Patrick, You can go ahead with the minnows and bg, they will be fine. Take the hay and sprinkle it everywhere, in and out of the pond and on the beach. Take several bales, break them apart into big chunks and toss them in the water. They will sink in a few days. When they do you will have instant grass in the pond for the minnows to hide in and eat the stuff that grows on it. every pile i have in my pond holds hundreds of minnows in the grass as well as just hanging around it for safety. I see bg hanging near them picking off the minnows as well. Its great instant habitat. I also took a few bales in the boat and tossed them in the middle of the pond where they sunk after a week or so. From what i see at the waters edge, the bales in the open water are doing the same thing just deeper in the pond. A big bonous is that if you put down rye seed then hay over the top it makes it harder for the birds to get to the seed.

Last edited by rcn11thacr; 03/23/10 06:49 PM.

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