I work outside. I see wildlife all the time, seriously. My eyes are 20/20 lazervision corrected. I don't make a habit of trying to inflate the truth about anything, but I likely did this time. I'm backing down from estimating 50+lbs but not below 30lbs for the time being. Anyway, my original guess on this cat was 30 lbs. Later I was persuaded by others that it was 50+lbs, after hundreds of pics had been taken, we were all convinced that this was an incredible moment in time, something we had never laid eyes on. We'll probably never see it again. A pack of 8 wild dogs showed up right at that same spot that evening....how random is that?? Anyway I am more worried about those wild dogs than I am of that cat. If I see it again, however, I may be compelled to pull the trigger, who knows.

We intend to show a few more photos of the cat and we intend to take my 4month old puppy (40lbs already) down to the site along with a 5gal bucket and a grown man. Should be revealing. Will be using same camera same zoom. I think my puppy is about the same size of that cat, and so does my wife who also saw the cat first hand. Stay tuned...

If this is a house cat, then I should be even more excited!...I may possibly have witnessed the largest house cat on record, and possibly the baddest of them all as well. If this is what I am forced to concede then I guess I'll be posting my story at hugehousecatsforum.com instead.

It's ALL about the fish!