JKB, Tilapia are often raised at 5 pounds per gallon with heavy filtration. It's not easy by any means, but it is no longer uncommon either with space/cost restrictions in commercial settings. I also only do weekly water changes with this density and once every 2 months at densities under1 pound per gallon of water....tilapia are vastly fifferent than any other species of fish to raise. Filter cleaning at this densithy is a daily chore or clogging occurs. My water changes are only made for removing nitrate buildups. I only change outside of my regular intervals if I see a reduced interest in the Tilapia's typical voracious feeding frenzy----You get soaked putting feed in this tank!!!!

Scott, It is 245 pounds of tilapia in a 150 gallon aquarium....with the water diplaced by the fish, there is actually a little less than 120 gallons of water in the tank. The fish only average 5 inches but there are several hundred 7"+ fish for small pond stocking orders that come in.

Dave, I use nothing but Purina Aquamax. I use 5D00 fry powder, 5D01 Fry crumble, 5D04 1/16" sinking pellets, and 5D09 3/16" floating "Dense 4000" floating pellets.---5D00, 01,and 04 are all carnivorous blends and the Dense 4000 is an omnivoous blend specially for intensely stocked systems---All blends are COMPLETE diets---these are NOT intended as a supplement in a pond setting that would have a natural food source available. I feed between 2 and 8 pounds per day Dave, depending on what mood I'm in----I do NOT want these fish to grow! I keep them healthy, but keep the temps low and feed just enough to stop canniblism and keep growth at a minimum while maintaining their health and incredible disease immunity.