Upping the ante....

JWHAP decided yesterday that we would put together a "Shutterfly" photo book to accompany the box of lures for the auction. She has made two of them for us. They are hard bound books that you design yourself and then Shutterfly prints and binds them. You get to choose the front and back covers and all pages in between. The finished product is very professional looking. So ultimately the winner will have a coffee table quality book to go along with the wooden box of traveling lures.

The book will have each participant's photos and a caption (the entire story won't be included in the book due to page cost) but I'll probably print out the stories and bind them separately.

Stock photo of a Shutterfly book:

I'm still waiting for the wooden box and lures to come in and then we'll get the show on the road.

So waddya think of that?

Oh and JWHAP told me to add this PS:
If any participant wants a copy of the book we can order multiple copies at the time we order the books. Each book will be about $20.00 and anyone that wants one will have to pay for their own but I think it would be a cool keepsake. Before we order them I'll discuss this again.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)