There was another thread where the guy's pond was just infested with it. I think in Colorado after a freeze. FA is just opportunist. And yes, it's favorite food is P. It really does not look that bad to me. Almost normal. And it should be seasonal to a point. I am not a big fan of algacides because they do not address the cause. I prefer organic methods and removing the cause. I'd put some American Bullfrogs in there and a little beneficial bacteria. Bullfrogs polliwogs will eat thier own weight in FA several times over. Beneficial bacteria will compete with nutrients. If I mechanically remove it I bring it home to my veggie garden and amend it in. Small patches like this rake fairly easily, and twist the rake like speghetti on a fork. FA is like an indicator of a pond's bottom food chain and fertility plus water temp. I don't think it is ugly.

Last edited by The Pond Frog; 03/12/10 10:57 AM.