Originally Posted By: skinnybass
Ok, sweet. What about a good emergent grass to plant? in shallow water, from 6" to 3 feet, that will a) survive chicago winters b) be easy to manage and not take over a shoreline c) survive the annual herbicide (Dad says it's called sonar) and d) help to hide a big ugly concrete culvert, and maybe, just maybe, filter out some of the road grime and other nastiness that comes through it.

Another friendly PB'er PMed me the name "horsetail rush"....from the looks of it that would be a good choice. Any thoughts? lol...he also taught me what ag zone i am working in, 5a&b (thanks, dude...you rock).


I thought horsetail rush can become rather invasive? If not, great, I got a ton of it on this one section of the creek on our property I could just subplant.