In the most recent PB mag, there is a good article about algae control. In it, the use of barely straw is mentioned - with both the pros and cons. This got me to thinking...always a very dangerous activity for me. ;\)

Our pond is fed primarily by a stream and that stream is fed primarily by the natural drainage of the the upstream land as well as the outflow of the larger pond about a 1/4 mile above us. The mouth of our inlet is about 10 feet wide. I'm thinking about putting intact bales of barely straw across the stream inlet to do multiple beneficial things.
1) control algae a little bit
2) add micro organisms and invertebrates and such
3) act as a kind of filter for the silt that comes down the stream

What do y'all think about that?

If you're too scared to throw that bait where the fish are, why did you tie it on?