Yeah, somebody dropped a 30"+ one-eyed monster pike in there a few years back. the mythical lake beast Onezey.
This year ice fishing we ended up with the fattest bass we've seen (still too many of the tiny, emaciated looking ones with the huge heads and tiny bodies, like skeletor bass....thanks to the above poster for informing me that this is characteristic of an older fish with not enough to eat), and even a bunch of baby pike (all under 21").
In my uneducated opinion, there have always been pike in the pond, just kept down by bass predation, and with a little pressure off, we saw some growing past the minnow size.
The crappie & BG are still HUGE, but a few smaller ones were present as well (but this might just be seasonal, like with the pressure off as the bass feed slower, the tiny BG got a little bit of life without the ever-present impending doom by bass).

The plan, as it stands, is to improve forage cover with artificial structures and remove the Skeletors. the crayfish is another idea for a larger forage that can fatten up the bass a lil.

Of course, i invite anyone again to throw down your opinions and advice. I think tiger muskie are officially out as an option, as is spending any large amount of cash, the HOA just won't throw the cash around.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.