I live on an 18 acre lake in Iowa which is about 25 years old and has pretty much always been catch and release for bass (other than those that were "poached". About 3-4 years ago it seems that the ratio of big fish was pretty good, and one could catch many bass of all sizes. now it seems there are tons of fish < 12", few between 13-16 and then very few 20+ inch lunkers. Some of the fish seem skinny or almost emaciated, although that seems to have improved the last 6 months. I have suggested a selective harvest of smaller fish/bass. Is this a good idea? How many fish per acre would be a good starting point? I should note that there are also bluegill, channel cats, and some crappie as well as a few bullhead. The bluegill seem to be bigger but less plentiful now. thanks in advance
