Originally Posted By: ewest
I have a question for you guys.

Let's assume the Forum remains free (as is) and with some of the improved functionality noted above (better search , different headings and ease of operation and pics). Further assume that if Bob adds pod casts , mag data base , or other out of Forum extras it will be optional and for a cost (on demand for a fee).

Then what are your ideas on how we grow this Forum and make it contribute to and along with the other PB business? I know Bob would be interested in any thoughts or ideas.

Search engines. broken record anyone? sorry, i really hope i am not making everyone hate the sight of my posts....
using a broad match to the queries that brought me to this site through google, google reports that there are 1590 searches monthly related to small largemouth, overpopulated largemouth, small largemouth bass and other key search terms.
Once you get those people to the site, then you can measure your traffic in google analytics and sell bigger, better ad space to the interested parties.

Second, you can sell solutions to these common problems (hence the last thread i started) via e-articles, e-books, print books etc. Not to mention selling other products like purina products, designs for making homemade fish habitats etc.


Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.