Since I also publish a magazine, that has a website, that also has a message board I feel Bob's pain as we are facing many of the same issues. I would say though, that compared to what I do and what I have seen, PB gives away much more than anyone else. I feel that I could pretty much manage my pond(s) just by gathering information on this forum. That statement is not to dis the magazine, but rather to compliment the board. In fact, I would almost say that I subscribe to PB more out of a sense of duty to pay for something, since I don't pay for what I learn here, than actually wanting the magazine.
Bob, no matter what you do someone will complain. Like Bruce said the info is worth thousands, but still many will cry if they have to pay one red cent, and I think that you can see that in kind of a generational thing. Many times I've had people call me requesting a complimentary issue. When I tell them that single copies are $5, they act like they can't afford it, even though they must have thousands of dollars invested in the hobby and one issue could easily save them thousands.