Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
I wonder how many visit, read, learn, and leave without posting or buying anything? Are they in the minority or majority?

does the site have google analytics? that would answer a lot of these questions. If not, it is free, and supplies a wealth of information about the visitors to the site. I've never seen it used on a forum, but the good folks at google could tell you everything you need to know about how to use it.
 Originally Posted By: Bill Cody

It does definately take money to make this website go. It is very valuable if you have a pond and want some answers from people with experience. So, so many have never heard of it. The trick is to lure them, jiggle the bait just right, and then do a little catch & release - although no harvesting is allowed. I doubt any overpopulation will occur.
We are of like minds here. Unfortunately, I don't think that the concept of "juggle the bait" means take the lure away after a little bit,, even the fairly conservative 90 day trial membership i saw posted earlier(in this terrible analogy i am setting up the lure is the forum and the helpful folks on it).
 Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
Why don't pondowners subscribe? Considering how many ponds are in the USA, the number os subscribers is way less than 0.5%.
in my mind that is the question that needs answering.
 Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
or is it they don't even know about the magazine?
and in my mind, that is the answer.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.