I remember when I was a kid, while running set lines with my Grandpa on the Missouri River by Niobrara, Nebraska, we had a pike encounter. We were using 4-5 inch green sunfish for bait. A 4 pound pike had eaten the sunfish and then an 18 pound pike had bitten the smaller pike, hooking itself in the process. Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera to take pictures.

A second pike encounter occurred on a canoe/camping/fishing trip to Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario. I had hooked and was in the process of reeling in a 3 pound small mouth bass. I had just brought the fish within about ten feet of the boat when this 40+ inch northern pike comes from nowhere and snatches the bass. I fought them both for about five minutes before the pike finally let go. It was crazy stuff.

I would love to put four or five pike in my 2 acre pond, but I am afraid they would decimate my other fish.