Originally Posted By: The Pond Frog
skinny bass thinks that is his problem,

Not so much think it is THE problem, but rather another wrench in the system that messes up my original analysis and proposal to the HOA
 Originally Posted By: The Pond Frog
I'd say clarity might be an indicator of a lack of fertility, and a resulting lack of phytoplankton, then zooplankton. Bottom of the food chain from lack of fertility.
I see that as a possible issue to be wary of. what does that mean for the amount of gamefish the lake can support?
 Originally Posted By: The Pond Frog
The clarity here is not the cause of his problems, but a symptom.

howso? Not sure I understand. the problem as I originally thought was overcrowding bass. could those overcrowded predators be having that effect on the zooplankton? I originally thought it was a chemistry issue....the minerals they were digging in the original quarry could have resulted in a high acidic or basic tendency for the water, which could be keeping the phytoplankton down. I know i'm no expert, and I stand to have my opinions corrected ;\)


Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.