Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
 Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Rumored to be in the lake: Big Black crappie

Jeez what a lousy rumor.

We can do better that that. I mean come on, picture two guys fishing and one guy leans into the other and says.. "Psssst, I heard a good rumor." The other guys says "Really, whad ya hear?" First guys says "There's black crappie in these here waters."

Come on where's the drama, where's the suspense, where's the fear factor. That's got to be one of the most lousy rumors I've ever heard. That won't keep children awake at night.

This is a much better rumor...

1st Fisherman: "Dude, I was fishing here last evening and I see Ted across the way over there trying out a new rod and reel combo."

2nd Fisherman: "Oh, how was he doing?"

1st Fisherman: "The usual he'd caught a couple and got a couple of bites but you wouldn't believe what happened next!"

2nd Fisherman: "So what happened."

1st Fisherman: "Well it looked like he got a huge strike when all of the sudden out of the Quarry comes this green slimy critter. I'm telling ya that thing had to have been 6 foot tall. It grabs Ted and drags him kicking and screaming into the quarry pond. There was blood every where it was horrible. The thing had huge claws, I'm telling ya it tore Ted to shreds.

2nd Fisherman: "Good lord so you saw it yourself?"

1st Fisherman: "Heck yea I saw it, I even snapped this photo of it on my cell phone, lookie here."

2nd Fisherman: "Jeez did ya call the cops after seeing the Quarry Creature?"

1st Fisherman: "Of course not, whatareya nuts? I don't want everyone knowing about our secret fishing hole."

2nd Fisherman: "Oh right, I almost forgot, Quarry Fishing Rule 7, subsection 3. NEVER, EVER tell anyone about the secret quarry fishing spot."

2nd Fisherman: "So what lure was he using?"

1st Fisherman: "Looked like an 1/8 ounce Roostertail."

2nd Fisherman: "Oh, great lure."

1st Fisherman: "Yup, great lure."

Funniest answer: 13/16ths point

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.