As Travis said above -- more snow. We finally dug out by 7:00 PM last night. I had to finish up with just my loader bucket. I irreparably broke my rear blade into two pieces yesterday afternoon. Started calling to find a new one -- they were kind of like hen's teeth. But, I did finally find a Woods RB72 by phone last night, which we had to pick up no later than 7:30 this morning. I was almost out of diesel fuel last night, and went looking for some of it, too. None last night, but one of the local stations got a load this morning. I lost my wallet and was in quite a panic. I was sure it was under 10 feet of snow somewhere in the driveway. Thankfully, it was the solution to another problem I thought I had. When I locked the differential with the foot pedal last night, the pedal didn't want to release. This morning I found my wallet lodged behind the pedal.

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