I looked a lot.

States that produce Paddelfish are:

Georgia (only two fish for breeding)

Illinois (no data on who they are)

Kentucky (no data """)

Missouri (no data """)

Ohio, No data, but Jone's might have them.

Tennessee (do data """)

Minnesota, http://www.mckenzieco.com/fish.html

I also looked into the aquarium ind. Might want to steer clear of that.

Paddelfish are classified as Extirpated from the waters of MI. Meaning, that there are no known occurrences of there presence in MI. If they do occur, they are instantly a protected species. You can however import Paddelfish into MI for pond stocking or Aquacultural purposes without going through miles of carbon paper.

Paddelfish, like Lake Sturgeon and Arctic Charr would probably slip through kinda easily, without you being on a high fiber diet