Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
Sounds like things are really coming together. I think you have a solid plan. You should think about always having a little bottleneck in your pond you can net off so you could raise forage or grow out fingerlings. Eric West employs this method successfully and has written a few articles in PB on the process that I really enjoyed and dumbed it down so even I might be able to do it. Since you still have the blank canvas might not be a bad idea to entertain something like that?

I'll have 2 coves that I can play with, northeast and northwest corners. Would probably be easier to use the northeast corner. If you recall that was that potentially shallow corner that I stretched out near the 'entrance'.

I'm liking this more and more. I think it will 'force' me to be more involved in the management process instead of the LMB and BG taking care of themselves.