Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
 Originally Posted By: Brettski
JHAP went to prom with Marcia Zagnacalony

Rumors of my involvement with Marcia Zagnacalony have been highly exaggerated. I did not have prom with that girl.

Actually, I googled zagnacalony. I figured it was some highly technical scientific term that I did't know. Google looped me back to this thread. JKB posts the word on the 4th and it's google-able on the 7th. Dang, I'm thinking big brother IS watching. Which of course brings be back on topic. 5 computer monitors, remote cameras, tons of techie stuff.

I'm beginning to think Dwight IS big brother.

As an also and besides "pooferringonite " links you back here as well.

I did not think her first name was Marcia either. Zagnacalony is such a common name that nobody pays attention to it.

You might have something there with all of Dwight's stuff, cept, I agree with Cecil. Aliens have crashed landed in Bremmer Pond.

Notice the cat's running around, I think he is trying to get proof that ALF Exists.

As far as "pooferringonite" is concerned, I actually tooted while thinking of Superman..., and it just popped out. Now I have to come up with a word that I could use "Skid Mark" in. Thats a tougher one!!!

Last edited by JKB; 01/07/10 02:34 PM. Reason: spelling