An end of year update on our homestead.

We got another kick the the gut yesterday.

Energy Officials: PATH Project Further Delayed

Yesterday, the power company requested pulling their application in Virginia. They say they will probably refile in Virginia later in 2010. Each time they refile in a state, the courts seem to give them 400 days. Based on all the articles I've read in the last two days, the project is now at least put off until 2015.

It puts us in a really difficult position. We don't want to do any more improvements here, nor put any more money into the place. With this hanging over the land, we couldn't sell if we wanted to anytime in the next couple of years. Retirement planning is really on hold. The power company has gone into hiding. They even took down their website as of yesterday.

Shortly after we found out they wanted to take our land, friends alerted us to very unique 52 acre farm nearby that was about to be sold off in small parcels. It has been legally subdivided into smaller lots, but all parties involved seemed to be in financial trouble. Its a long story, but we are paying the mortgage on the place, with an option to buy it. It has four ponds, and lots of water on it. It also has about a three acre orchard, good fencing, pastures, forest, four barns, and a house that dates back to 1837. Although people lived in the house until about 18 months ago, it is not really inhabitable. Unfortunately, without selling our current place, we can't afford that place, especially with the need to build a house.

So, we are doing a lot of soul searching.

Stay out of the way of eminent domain projects!


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