Okay, kids...time to wrap up this weight loss thread.
As I recall, Bruce and I took the challenge to drop the weight and keep it off.
Seems like we took a $5 per pound challenge...He would pay the $5 per pound if I lost 50 pounds as long as I would pay $5 per pound for every pound over 266 on Christmas day. I weighed 249.1 on Christmas morning. So, looks like $250 from Condello to the Jesse West Foundation at SDSU.
But wait, there's more.
The kicker...Bruce also said he would add $125 if I found my way below 250 between July 15 and Thanksgiving. I hit 244 in October.
So, with the 249 on Christmas...looks like Bruce is in for $375.00

Also, I promised to send a check for the weight that Ewest lost. I don't think that's happened, either...

So, Ewest...chime in here...I need to send a check, too, for your weight loss. How much do I send?

rmedgar also pledged an extra $100 if I weigh under 250 on Dec 27. Well, here it is, Dec 27. Just weighed....251. Dang! I had a ham and cheese sandwich and chips yesterday for lunch, then 2 glasses of wine at 6, then three pieces of pizza for supper, along with about 30 oz of water....I think all that stuff is stuck along the way. Bottom line, I was a bit heavier today after all that junk food yesterday.

So...let's wrap this thing up, settle up and move on. How about it?

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...