Sorry no pictures this time but I promise to before the end of the year.

As of earlier tonight, Mason is weighing 86.9 lbs. So that is close to 7 lbs he has gained since arriving here.

He hates being cold. The first time I let him out when snow was on the ground, he bolted back to the house as soon as his feet touched it. He is used to it now and likes eating it. Also now since he has this extra energy, he will run around the pond once or twice just as fast as he can go.

Mason is getting along great with the other dogs now..............except the last female that came out of heat. I talked to Anna about this and she said that Pepsie (the female) was showing a "BOTH" attitude. I asked her what that meant and she said "BITCH OF THE HOUSE" attitude. That cracked me up. I told my wife about that but I was to tired to make a joke and fight all night about it.
Anyway Mason will not hardly come near her. She tore him up and I've had to drain some blood out of his ear flap(kinda like a blood blister).

Actually we are not sure if he really is a lab. He might be part but he has some "short haired" hunting dog in him.

Hope everyone had a good holiday and I'll get some pictures on here soon.