Dave has you moving in the right direction. Corral the fundamentals first. This includes water needs. Calculate the surface area of the pond, calculate the average loss from evaporation (likely significant in TX), and derive how much water you will need just to keep up with evaporation. This will be an eye-opener. The next step is more difficult; calculating your watershed inflow. This can be a brain teaser, based on how much acreage flows to the pond, the soil types and vegetation, and the average precipitation for your region. You mention water well supplement. When you figger the evaporation figure and match it up to your water well output, you could very well be on the losing end with both water supply AND the electric bill.
(edit); I just read my own post and it comes off negative. My bad...but....it's the troof. Given some decent runoff parameters, you can be in great shape for a nice 1/2 - 3/4 ac pond.

Last edited by Brettski; 12/21/09 05:16 PM.