Well it is December 20,2009. After stocking 1200 tilipia in my 8 ac. pond to control pithophora,the results are pretty good.The pithophora is not gone and I had to supplement the treatment with several applications of cutrine plus,but the pithophora is close to being eliminated.The tilipia were stocked in April 2009 and were 3" to 5" long when stocked.The tilipia are now 10" to 12" long and weigh 1 lb.to 1.5 lb. They are beginning to die off as my water temperature is now 47 degrees.I plan to keep my water shaded with "black onyx"and restock next spring. The amount of pithophora in April 2009 was incredible and the amount currently present is minimal.Any further advice will be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Al Allison.