I hardly know where to start. I want to thank everyone who has e-mailed, PMed, and posted. It takes people like all of you to understand the passion we all feel for our land. Many people I work with can't quite comprehend. They live in homes or condos in the city, and they grew up that way. They hear gunshots in the neighborhood, and they dial 911. We hear gunshots in the neighborhood, and we think -- I hope Charlie got the 40-point buck.

Theo -- as for hair. Saying that I have more hair than Robert Duvall is really cutting it close. I think the difference only depends up how many hours either of us has been away from the clipper.

As Mark mentioned above, there were several local articles about the hearings last Thursday night. I arrived to a pile of newspapers on my desk at work this morning. And, as ACK mentioned, there are groups who can help fight it.

Even as a young man, I mostly knew what fights to pick, and which to walk away from.

I don't believe it is a winnable fight. As long as the population of the mid-Atlantic states continues to surge, infrastructure will win at all costs. The new powerline to cross my property will provide coal-fired electricity from lower-central WV to people in northern New Jersey. I don't like any part of it, I believe there are far better alternatives, but it is what it is.

Fights and delays will only prolong my agony.

All ideas and opinions are greatly appreciated. All I ask is that it not get political, mean, or disrespectful.

Thanks all,

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