What a wonderful set of pictures to wake up to. My heart is singing for Mason! I can't begin to thank Mark and Rex as well as the entire pond boss family for helping this sweet old boy.

At this time of year when we are all so busy rushing around to purchase presents and get ready for the holidays you fellows gave the greatest gift of all to Mason. You gave him life.

From the pictures he is still thin but has actually gained some weight. The food I sent to the kennel (Orijen) for him has about 500 calories a cup along with two cases of canned food specially formulated for seniors. So, some of the groceries stuck but he still has a long way to go. Sadly our shelter here feeds them enough to keep them alive but nothing more. 80% are put down and I guess they don't realize that it is harder to adopt out underweight scraggly dogs. It borders on animal cruelty... But I won't go there. This is a happy happy day for all of us!

In some of the pictures Mason is actually smiling, I think he likes you Rex and he looks like he is beginning to feel at home Mark. It's a blessing to see the light coming back into Mason's eyes. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?