Originally Posted By: Greg Grimes
Water temperature below 55oF
Feed only one time per day, during the warmest part of the day. Set the automatic feeder for one second. If fish are not feeding, discontinue feeding until water the temperature increases above 55-60oF.

Thsi from our website, full info here http://lakework.com/site/fish-feeding-programs.php
watch the fish they will tell you when to turn it down or off completely.
Rules may be different for HSB.
Just because active feeding is not observed it does not mean that HSB are not feeding.

All of our HSB caught this week were caught on sinking PH or Stubby flies.
The few fish that were eating fish pellets on top were "sipping" feed rather than blasting.

Another point to remember that 55 degrees is not a hard and fast rule - striped bass will feed at 45 degrees on rising temps and stop on falling temps below 55 degrees.
I believe that HSB do the same.

N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)