Hi everybody, Been about 30 hrs since Mason has been here. I'll try to let you know what has gone on since he's been here.(pictures will be later this afternoon). When I first got home with Mason last night (10:30pm), I put him on a leash outside while I unloaded his stuff into the house. When I went out and brought him in to meet the other dogs, the first thing he did was to mark his territory on the living room carpet.(had not even seen the other dogs yet! BOY, was my wife impressed!!!)

3:30 am...After 3 mini dog fights(nothing major), I got them all settled down. The females who are in heat are not cutting him any slack. They're put away in another room but if Mason starts sniffing around the door, they let him know to stay the hell away.

He is not on a leash anymore in the yard...He likes sitting on the front porch in the sun free to run.

A few things about Mason:
I think he is closer to about 12 to 13 years old. His front teeth are wore down to the gums. Not sure about this though because it also looks like his canine teeth(all4)have been filed down. I've got a vet coming out in a week or two and I'll have him look at his teeth.

I was out fishing with him today and caught a good sized yellow perch. When I went to get the yard stick out of the dock box to measure it, he bolted. Scared to death(so he obviously has been beaten before). Also he did the same thing when I brought the newspaper in this evening.

He is also still bone skinny but we can fix that.

I have also noticed the is more partial to my wife than me. So rainman, maybe its just a guy thing.

I gotta get to bed.... Try to fill more in later today.