Originally Posted By: esshup
You're not transporting him in one of the tanks, are you?

I went down there prepared to do just that, should he not ride well. Except for trying to rip my face off the one time, he has been incredible on the trip so far...... We just got back to St Louis for the night. Mason has successfully navigated over 1500 miles thus far.

I have been wondering what made him bite me and think I have a good theory. Dogs consider staring directly into the eye an act of aggression. Due to my burns, I sleep with my eyes open and Mason was right beside me and may have felt intimidated and snapped at my right eye. He didn't break the skin but came very close to it. After I chomped on his nose, he agreed not to do it again. He has spent most of the trip with his head in my lap and is starting to get quite a bounce in his step when we take breaks to romp. He defininately has no trouble with car sickness and has not barked or whined once.

I was going to add several pictures, but PhotoBucket must be down and I have lots of fish to unload, plus 4am will be here soon!