JHAP you are a friend to many of us here because of who you are - rather than who you’re not. \:\) Trying to be something your not is change we can live without. \:D If all we had was a bunch of guys posting study results it would be awful boring and we would have about 25 forum members. \:\( Life is much more than that and should be lived to the fullest by sharing who we are with friends.

I do have a suggestion. Why don't you take charge (that's scary thought)of improving the PB funnies thread. If you can captain the PB Big Cedar barge you can handle the funnies. There is a lot that needs to be done to improve it including finding some old and adding some newer material with context. I thought B'ski was going to do that but he decided it would be easier to build a house. ;\) So we have a need and an opening. I will help with the mechanics. Of course this would be in addition to your normal posting. After all Theo is way out in front and CJ was catching up quickly.