And so here it is, my 5,000th post. Jeez what a journey. I never imagined when I joined three years ago that this would become an obsession. It was not even on the radar that I would travel across the US to meet with fellow pond meisters and talk about one thing we all love, and all share in common, our ponds.

And if you would have told me three years ago that I would have met some folks that would become my closest friends I probably wouldn't have believed it.

I want to take a moment of seriousness to say thank you. Thank you one and all for putting up with my goofiness and thread hijacks and yes, as it has been pointed out to me lately, thread killing participation in this forum.

This forum has been a huge part of helping me through some very difficult times over the past three years and once again that was something I never expected when I joined Pond Boss. I have probably been too much of an open book over the past years having exposed all of you to the tragedies that have befallen my family but I cannot begin to express the comfort that you have provided me during these events. And I sincerely thank you for that.

The friendships forged here mean a great deal to me. It would be remiss of me to trying and name all of the people that have touched our lives. I know that I would leave someone out and I don't want to risk that. Hopefully through written and spoken word or time spent together you all know who you are.

I don't have a lot to offer this forum in the way of knowledge or experience, so my tactic has been humor, or at least attempts there of, and welcoming of new members. I realize that at times I get in the way of, and even derail a discussion and for that I apologize. I have tried to cut back on that some lately as I don't want to become a nuisance on the forum. If I do post something in a thread that you want removed don't hesitate to PM me and I'll delete it, I certainly don't want to become a liability to this forum.

Anyhoo, thanks you all for letting me play in this collective sandbox. Being a member of this family means more to me that you will ever know.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)