Good news/bad news. My nephew shot his first deer with a bow @ 5:00 p.m. today. I watched the deer jump, then run for 20 yds, then walk for a short way. I lost him in the woods shortly after that. My nephew was in a tree stand 150 or so yds away from me, so I didn't really know if he hit it or not until right after 6:00 p.m. when I saw the flashlight. He thinks he hit a bit far back (no nasties in the blood trail tho, which is good), and we tracked it for slmost 200 Yds by flashlight until the blood pretty well petered out. I'll be out there at first light to see if I can finish the tracking job. Hope the coyotes leave it alone tonight. It was a 35 yd shot, I think it was a 4 point, or a 6 point buck. The arrow had blood 24" past the broadhead, and I thought I could see blood on the opposite side of the deer right after the shot, so I think it's down, I just have to find it.

I'll have an update tomorrow, hopefully with pictures.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).