You were on the river without a fishing pole!!! I am usually always the one on a tourist type event or in the middle of a city catching fish and drawing a crowd. One time in the Cayman Islands I waded out from a restaurant that fed the tarpon and used chunks of tuna and little shoreline crabs for bait and kept braking off monster tarpon until I finally hooked into a more manageable 70 lber with the fishing rod I picked up at a little local baitshop for the sole purpose of getting to one of them tarpons! There was such a big crowd forming on the local beach that by the time I landed the beast there were vendors setting up shop. After the nearly 45 minute battle and a couple hundred pictures from folks around the globe, the vendors paid me a couple hundred bucks to go back out and catch another one. By the time I got the second one landed, you could already purchase Tarpon Man T-shirts at the beach in several foreign languages...........

so I got a little carried away and a few of the details may be a bit fuzzy, but I will drum up a few pictures over the next few days.