I got to spend about an hour with Mason today. The store was crazy busy and it was 3 o'clock before I could get out of there. By the time I got to the boarding facility they had already given him a bath and settled him into a very nice 6 x 14 run, inside with a tile floor a warm blanket and 3/4 height walls.

This is my first glimpse of him peeking at me over the run walls.

Then closer.

Hi Dad!

At first he was a little shy...

Then he ate a big bowl of groceries.

He needs them he is terribly thin and Mark I forgot to tell you! He is missing the end of his poor tail.

At the end of the hour and after about a half a bag of treats Mason started to show me his true personality. He shook my hand, gave me kisses, showed me his belly and crawled into my lap. What a sweetheart! All it took was a few treats, some soft words and a couple of gentle strokes. He was transformed.

He even started to smile for the camera and was grinning from ear to ear when I left.

Thank you everyone for all you have done. This sweet boy was definitely worth saving. He is going to make Mark one incredible pet. I'm almost jealous.

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?