Let me start by apologizing for posting this but something is compelling me to help this poor creature. Seniors have a very special place in my heart and had I not seen the pictures I probably would have deleted this email.

Look at this face...

He is in the shelter here in Alabama where I am located. If I were not leaving for Germany on Monday I would take him in and try to find him a home myself. Transport can be arranged (Free of charge) to anywhere in the lower 48. I'm part of a network of volunteers nationwide who drive animals all over the place on weekends. I'd also be willing to kick in some food and supplements if he needs them.

Here is his story and the contact info for the person trying to help Mason. Anyone want to offer a sweet old chocolate lab a retirement home?

Hi ya'll,

I need your help. I try not to do this very often, but this poor guy has a special story and if it weren't for his amazing will to live and lovable disposition, he probably would have been put down by now.

Mason is a lovable 7 yr old chocolate brown Labrador who has been overlooked at the shelter too many times and has only 1 week left to find a loving home. He was left on the side of the road to die after being hit by a truck in the middle of the night. By the time he was found, he had a collapsed lung, was barely breathing and was paralyzed on his right side. He was almost euthanized to put him out of his misery, but soon after he was brought in, he took a liking to a volunteer and immediately started showing signs of progress. He made it through a successful surgery days later and to look at him today, you would never know the trauma he's been through. He walks perfectly and still runs around like a puppy. It's hard to believe it's the same dog. Sadly, the volunteer responsible for his successful rehabilitation had to leave him at the shelter when she moved away. Sometime later, while getting passed up time and time again for adoption at the shelter, he finally found a four-legged friend to play with who is now his best bud at the shelter. However, his friend is now he is being transported to another facility and due to the age restrictions, Mason cannot go with him.

This poor boy has made it through being struck by a truck, seeing his caretaker leave him and now will have to say goodbye to his best friend next week. People seem to pass by him at Petsmart simply because he has a few gray hairs on his nose, but they don't realize what a gentle, courageous and happy dog he is. He greets me every time I come into the shelter with a hearty bark and whapping tail, but he still can't find a home. The shelter has kept him as long as they can so we are in desperate need of a generous heart right now. Mason is smart, he takes care of himself, he obeys commands and most of all, he loves people, children and other dogs!

We found out he is heartworm positive, but he is obviously a strong boy with a will to live, so if you are kindhearted enough to foster him, I will pay for his heartworm treatment out of my own pocket. I will also provide food if cost is an issue. I would foster him in a heartbeat, but I don't own my place and my landlord won't allow it.

Mason has been through so much. Please don't let this sweet-natured and brave dog become another statistic. He deserves better than that. Please contact myself or Pat or Renee at the shelter if you can help save his life.

God Bless,

Jessica Schleider

If it's not fit for you to eat, what makes you think it's good for your dog?