I stocked my 3/4A pond lst year in Oct with 250 3-5" BG, and 150 2" RES. and 10 lbs of FHM. I also put i about 50 adult BG from other ponds, lakes to add to a spawn base and to jump start the spawning. This June I put in 25 LMB 9-12".

On Labor day my grandkids caught as many 8-10" BG as they wanted, and my granddaughter caught a 16" LMB. With the forage base that I have, the LMB can go to sleep at night with their mouth open and wake up full.

I feed Aqua Max 400 four times a week, and have good alge bloom for micro-organisms. Don't orget your structure for the little fellers, too. That's VERY important. Add some gravel (I used 15 tons of creek gravel) for a spawning area.

I won't put in any CC cause that's not my goal for my pond. I, like you, want kids to catch fish and lots of them, and the big BG and occasional real nice bass really get them fired up. Personal preference, I guess.

Just some random thoughts from a rookie. The experts will be here for you shortly. Good luck and welcome to the forum.