Thought I would throw one in hot off the press!

Matthew had a relaxing weekend of watching football and nascar with Bob & Emileigh. I really will take a picture of Matt sitting in Bob's recliner - it's so awesome!

Last night PaPa & Nonnie brought dinner over - a birthday dinner for my brother (unk jim) and I! Our birthdays are in August. We wanted to wait for Matt to celebrate.
The dinner was yummy and of course we all enjoyed family - oh yeah, guess what? Football! ;\)

Matt starts another week of therapy. I know he enjoys getting out. A transport van comes in the morning at 8 to get Matt to his appointments daily from 9 to 12. Bob and I carry Matt in his wheel chair down the stairs and back up when the van brings Matt & Bob back home around 1 or 1:30.

Please keep signing Matt's guest book and sending him cards and letters of encouragement - he loves it! They keep him going and it helps us too reading them to Matthew. I do want to let you know - he is amazing! He doesn't complain and takes each day as it comes to him! Matt's laugh & smile are a priceless gift to us!

Have a great week!

Peace - Light & Love, Shari for The Hernan Family and most of all, for Matt!

A little snow, Please!