Updates A comin in!

First, we wanted to say thank you for sending Matt words of encouragement by signing his GUESTBOOK and sending him cards, cartoons and letters. It helps all of our family.

Next, I need and want to request prayers for 2 people:

Lori Johnson. A friend of mine AND she was one of Matt and Emileigh's substitute teachers at Donaldson in Tucson. Lori had her last chemo treatment a couple of months ago for Cancer of what she thought was a pulled muscle. I found out last week, she was diagnosed with 2 brain tumors - 1 near her brain stem. She has had surgery for 1 and now she will go thru radiation and more chemo. Please PRAY for her - send positive thoughts her way and her family - her husband and 2 daughters. Lori is one of the nicest people I've ever met. I know her faith and strength will get her thru this along with the love & support from her family and her Tucson friends!
I think someone might be setting up a caringbridge site for Lori. If there is one - I will post it. Please keep her in your prayers!

Also, for our daughter Emileigh. Right now our focus has to be on Matt 24/7 - he requires our attention for everything. Please pray for our family -

I appreciate all of you!

Peace - Light & Love ~Shari

A little snow, Please!