WOW this thread made it to the 3rd page in between updates,, busy forums with lots going on.

Moms update

Well...Matthew has been home for 1 week-yesterday! I apologize for not updating sooner. We have a lot to do for Matt right now. He requires care 24 hours. Bob and I are a great team and we take turns. Of course, not without a few 'challenges'! But, The Hernan's can handle anything now! RIGHT? The lift sent for Matt is 'barbaric' is the word Bob used. The sling to transfer Matt from his bed to anywhere (his wheelchair, etc..) is too small for Matt. Matt is over 5' 7" and weighs 150. Bob has talked to several people from our caseworker, to the company providing the lift and we even talked to the 'home nurse' - apparently when Matt starts therapy next week - we have to let them know and they will help us hopefully get a safer lift for Matt! Anyway - Matt continues to improve daily! He has started to move his left fingers - like 'spirit' fingers ;)! One of Matt's favorite places to be is Bob's recliner. We get him set up with tons of pillows, blankets and the remote and he is very happy! I will post a picture! Working on Matt getting to eat regular food. He still has to get his mouth working. Matt is saying a lot more words and we are teaching him sign language.
PaPa, Nonnie, Aunt Deb, Uncle Doug, Aunt Traci and Blair visit regularly. Traci and Trey brought Matt and Bob a hilarious book with some funny words! Great therapy!
Last night, PaPa, Nonnie & Unk Jim came over.
Today our friends - The Gepford's are driving up from Oklahoma to visit Matt. We haven't seen them since we moved to Tucson! Matt and Clayton were BEST FRIENDS! Kim and Emileigh had a special bond. We are all excited to spend the day with them. Then...tonight Aunt Deb and Uncle Doug are bring Kyle over! Woo-Hoo! We haven't seen him since July! I know Matt will have fun with Kyle...he is a BLAST!

Matt starts therapy at the Rehabilitation Institute on Monday from 9-12.

Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts for Matt to have 100% recovery. He is one strong young man - I am so proud our son! God has blessed us with an amazing and inspiring son! Also, if I can ask for prayers for Bob, Emileigh and myself? To keep up the strength, energy and positive attitude to help Matt with his 100% recovery. Please think of Emileigh too - she has been sick this last week.

All in all - I think we handled the 1st week home pretty well!

Peace - Light & Love - The Hernan's for MATTHEW ROBERT HERNAN!

A little snow, Please!