I'm runnin' as fast as I can, but it feels like I'm in slow motion...
We got the other shed dormer wall up. Then, it was time to frame in the big inspirational motivator that I have been looking forward to; the picture window wall. It came off well. For a 21' long wall section, it weighs a ton and we haven't even sheathed it yet. It will get 1/2" plywood sheathing to impart additional wracking strength. The sheathing, house wrap, and installation were planned for the last day, but Mother Nature had a different plan. The night before, at 1:30 in the morning, we were awakened in our tiny 120 sq ft temp house by the roar of the wind. Holy smokes! This was way more than I expected based on weather reports. The cold front came in with a vengeance and I had those 2 shed dormer walls (36' long/each) propped up with two 2 x 4 braces. Worse than that, the braces were on one end and in the middle. We removed the 3rd brace at the end where we had just framed the picture window wall. Into my drawers, grab the flashlight (no electricity on the sight), and out into the wind in the pitch dark to attach more support. It was a very special event. We were blessed and the walls made it thru the night. Me too.
The next day was going to be the installation of that "oh so important" picture window wall. Yeah...right. With a high wind warning on NOAA weather and gusts up to 40 mph, we decided it might not be the best decision. Instead, we stayed low and installed the last window downstairs, the door locks on the service door, and a number of odds and ends. The wall will have to wait 'til next weekend.

