Ok, I will say this first.

Ths is a crazy idea that won't work but, here we go.

To make this desighn you would dig 3-7 deep holes. When springs fill up these hole and the water spills over the edge dig deep trenches from each spring and conect them. From there you can channel the main creek anywhere you want. Creating your own pools and such.

I have made smaller streams like this. Only 2 feet wide. You would need big machinery to biuld something like that. It would be better to have all the channels and springs to be lined with cement.

In my documents using a free stle drawling mode. I planed a 26 page creek. From the springs to the base.

You could desighn the creek for sertain fish trout, bass, catfish etc.

Tell me what you think.

Last edited by therrien; 09/28/09 02:53 PM.