First of all, Im glad people like Dr. Neal are doing these kinds of studies. Its really interesting and helpful for us pond junkies. Thanks Dr. Neal

I like the last paragraph of Dr. Neal's explanation.

"Hence, by the third generation the reproductive output is primarily Fx hybrids. The stocked fish and the first two generations would provide superior growth for probably 10-12 years or so, but after that you should see the effects of outbreeding depression."

What im getting from that is as long as you reintroduce a few pure strain Floridas, or Northerns or even true F1's every year or even every couple years you will be fine. Neal is talking 10-12 years down the road for the originals!!

Am I missing something or is that a correct interpretation?

Im working with right at 50 acres of water here on the ranch with all sorts of goals for each BOW. If I think that I can stock ponds once and not do any corrective stocking for 10-12 years, A) thats just boring and no fun and B) I don't think i would be taking the mananging seriously if I had clear-cut goals to accomplish. To be actively managing a pond its something that you don't just start up and leave, you have to make alterations and in this case New genetics additions to keep your fishery healthy and performing to its max.

Last edited by chadwickz71; 09/22/09 11:37 AM.