Bruce, I never was much for golf, they were hard to shoot and even more difficult to skin. Ponds are safer, at least you can eat what you catch. Of course you have to raise it first. Now there is where you have to be able to justify all that pond stuff to your wife ( if you have one) But then I have found this easier then trying to justify a new driver or putter. Especially since my wife likes to fish ( that is she likes the part about raising the pole out of the water with a fish on the other end) everything else she figures that I enjoy--- Which is probably true. It's all about the challenge, and messing around with a big hole ,out side, wind blowing and in the natural sunlight. Yes , it think it does beat the heck out of those little holes hidden down in some dark cavern called the mouth. So tommorow, I will work alittle for the bank, some for the IRS, some for the collged tuition board, a bit for the staff, some for supplies, and about the last half hour I dedicate to the pond. Makes the end of the day worth waiting for.It also beats the heck out of raising cattle to. My fish come to the bank when I whistle them for feeding time. This is better therapy then any liquid sedative at the end of a stressful day-- would you agree ???