Thanks Bill. I will take your advice and go with 50-75 perch to start with. I want to keep the fatheads going and not kill them off before everything is totally established. I will also come back and give some updates as they grow.

Funny thing about setting up a pond, I thought that the most fun I would have is catching the fish. In truth I am enjoying setting up the eco system more and seeing things come together and finding new bugs/animals/wildlife in and around it each and every day. I saw just the other day that I had the darning needly and dragon fly hatch on the pond and found some red dragon flys around it as well. Ahhh well I gues I find pleasure in the simple things.

Thanks again and talk soon.

1/10 - 1/4 acre pond plus 16 ft deep/ Plus 40 ft by 20 ft by 6 ft deep koi and fathead minnow pond next to it. Upstate NY