Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
Thank you all for the kind words regarding my response. As you all know I am a huge fan of this site. I really enjoy the interaction amongst members and the discussions and obviously the humor.

I've been asked a couple of times so I'll publicly answer, I'm not a hunter. This is not because I have any objection towards hunting. It's because I grew up in the city and sneaking around housing developments and shooting at stuff is reserved solely for gang members. \:D

I completely understand that the need to cull wild populations is a vital part of wildlife conservation. Although this has not always been true, it is my belief that the inhabitants of the United States have reached a very balanced view regarding the wildlife with which we share this glorious land. Here in the United States we have some of the best, if not the best, wildlife protection laws and regulations in the world that, as Ewest and others have pointed out, in many instances have been instigated and/or funded by hunting and fishing organizations. Further I believe that anyone that zealously hates hunting has not taken the time to study some of the very principals of wildlife management. They see only a hunter standing beside a dead animal and become enraged not realizing that if culling did not occur entire populations of animals would be at risk of extinction.

At the last Pond Boss conference Ewest spoke very eloquently about how each one of us is a custodian of our land, improving and preserving our own individual slices of heaven for future generations to enjoy. It is my belief that everyone of us here share that philosophy and, in fact, is why we participate in this great forum.

But I know I'm preaching to the informed and so I'll stop.

Thanks again for the kind words.

Jeff, you pulled a very good one off there, but can you type that smoothly when the tele-prompter fails?

Yolk, I was afraid you were leaving me all alone for a second there!