I agree that normally a bass-heavy pond would have numbers of 10-12" bass; also, it's a very astute observation that the bigger bluegill very likely are hanging out in deeper water since the water is clear. But I do know of one lake that definitely is bass-crowded - and the bass average probably at least 14".

The lake is somewhere between twenty and thirty acres (the guy who took me said thirty initially but then qualified that by saying he was estimating); I've fished it a handful of times. There were a couple times when we fished from the bank and couldn't get to most of the best water, and only caught fifteen to twenty bass between the two of us; but every time I've fished it from a boat, we've caught at least forty largemouth in a matter of three or four hours - sometimes several more than that - and they've averaged close to two pounds apiece. One day early last summer I lost four big ones that made my twelve-pound-test and heavy-action Lightning rod seem about as adequate as an ultralight; none of them broke off, but they all four had their way and pulled off while I was trying to slow down the freight train as it headed for heavy cover.

So there are definitely some big bass in the lake. And some of the ones we catch have good Wrs. But some are skinny. The lake had threadfin stocked a few years ago, so I'm sure they've helped the bass; there are also three automatic feeders running on one bank (not enough, I know). There are lots of bluegill in the lake, bigger ones around the feeders and smaller, thin ones in the rest of the lake. I don't think I've ever fished a stretch of more than thirty minutes in that lake, fishing for bass, without catching one. So it's definitely bass-crowded, but without the usual size-range one would expect.