Actually a good sign to see variabality amongest the bass. To me this means they are not extremly stunted. You have data on smaller 10-12 inch bass? I think a seine survey would give a good pic of bg populaiton. Chad when you see this you need to pull the skinnier ones, it should be obvious with a 15% Wr diff. On stunted ppulaiton we will see 50 bass not vary by 5% Wr.

Esshup it is a standard to go by. Like Theo showed us you can have 150% or better. If goal is good bass I would strive for 110-120% in southern waters. If good bluegill is goal I would still strive for 75-90%. Less than 75% is a dang skinny bass. We have seen them at 65% quite commonly though.

Greg Grimes