More news from Mom, My adams apple felt funny and swelled up on me when I read this one. ;\)

Matt is at Children's Mercy Hospital. 4H - room 16. He was here at about 1:30. Our Case Worker was waiting with him when Nonnie and I got here. I kissed his face all over! I can do that - I'm the MOM! \:\) Anyway, I had him laughing and then a team of doctors came in to meet Matt and they started dancing and he was really laughing!

Visiting hours are from 9 to 9 every day and Bob and I can stay all night.
Nonnie stayed with us and then went to get Emileigh and picked up dinner for the 3 of us. Uncle Doug & Aunt Deb are picking up Bob from the airport - his flight changed and his flight will be here at 11 pm.

peace - light & love ~ shari for the hernan family

A little snow, Please!