At least 70% humidity and fresh air or they will die. Got it.

Normal Internet payment. Got it.

Why don't BSFL eat their own dead?

Will BSFL eat composting worm egg pods?

Will BSFL consume used veg. oil?

I have been keeping a composting thermometer in the middle of the unit so I can monitor the temperature. One day it was 93, next day it was 102, and today it is running 105. My unit is 95% shaded under the corner of the porch. How hot should I let it get and then what???

Bobdog, I would like to see your setup!! And I do agree with gw about them not eating the fibers as they don't eat cellulose and cardboard. I have seen damp coffee filters with holes in them but I assume they are crawling through them and not eating them. My bin with compost worms and larvae with hog _ h i t (an s for 300 please) on top is doing good and the worms seem real happy because there are egg pods everywhere. (Stiring it up makes it look like they are everywhere) I love BSFLarvaeing as a hobby? I am just glad my wife can deal with it on the porch. Bill