We gettin' 2nd floor serious...
I call my truss guy and lay out a plan to deliver the framing stuff for the 2nd floor. This weekend is going to be opressive heat and humidity, so I'm thinkin' it won't be conducive to high productivity. We do have a limit. With that in mind, I don't want to burn up vacation time, so I wanna keep my plans confined to Sat & Sun. My truss guy says Friday is good, but Sat is gonna be a dely premium. We work out a fair price and I tell him as early as possible on Sat so we can beat the heat. He tells me that the driver should be there about 7:45 or so. Dski and I leave Fri night and stay overnite in our spartan 10 x 12 cabin.
I wake up with the daylight, or somewhere shortly thereafter. Because we are so deep into the woods, daylight is more like ambiant morning light. Anyway, I pop outta bed at 6:00, drag on my canvas work drawers, and step out into the humid and somewhat cool morning forest air. I'm still half asleep as I saunter over to the building site and my mind slowly shifts into think mode as I start talking to myself to decide where to have the truck roll off the 28' long I-joists and other floor framing stuff. The only sounds are me mumbling and Mother nature's bird and BF chorus. Then, way off in the distance, I hear a faint "beep, beep, beep, beep"...the kind that heavy equipment sounds when backing up. Huh? I wipe the sleep from my eyes and stand there, listening, as it stops and things get quiet....for about 1 minute. Then I can hear the unmistakeable sound of a truck coming thru the woods to our place. Jeesh; it's 6:15 and I haven't even combed my hair or brushed my teeth. Then, this full sized truck and trailer comes winding around the last turn into view. I mean this is a full sized tractor trailer. I had no idea that they would send a rig this big. My mind is doing flip flops trying to figure out how I'm going to not only get him in, but turn him back around to get out. He pulls up and stops and I look at the load on this long truck. He's got everything, including the roof trusses that I did not want yet. Crikeys; only me. I share all my concerns with him as he looks around for travel options. I ask him if that's a 40' trailer. Nope....50'. (rolleyes!) Anyway, he made this rig twist, turn, and jackknife into unbelieveable configurations and flipped it around and backed it into the last 100 feet of driveway. Incredible job of driving....absolutely incredible. To top that off, he was able to split the load and drop the roof trusses in a different area to keep me calmed down that they arrived unannounced.


It took 1 hour and he was gone at 7:15. I woke up Dski and we started moving the stuff to storage inside the structure. We won't get into it for a few days and rain is forecasted for the next few days. Then, it will be a little bit easier to work with staged on the concrete slab. Dski tore it up. The I-joists weigh 140# each. The LVL's are 240# and 210#. I brought all kinds of contingency equipment to move the stuff, 1 pc at a time. The wheel barrow, a 2 wheeled hand cart, anything to give Donna a chance to handle the load. She shunned it all, put on her leather gloves, and told me to get my ass in gear as she hand carried each and every pc, each of us at each end. Absolutely awesome show of power. That's my girl.